Graduate Student Forms


GradPath is the UA Graduate College’s milestone and student progress tracker. GPMM trainees and all graduate students are able to fill in and submit forms online through UAccess Student. There are many forms that must be submitted at different stages of a trainee's PhD career to mark key milestones such as the PhD comprehensive exam and final oral defense, to name a few.  This link will take you to the Grad College website to learn more about GradPath, and includes a comprehensive FAQ.

Assessment Forms

In addition to GradPath, GPMM requires yearly documentation of activities and progress for both trainee and programmatic assessment. These assessments are mandated by the University and are required for all graduate students. Information gained from these assessments is used to evaluate trainee progress and provide timely, constructive feedback, as well as to assess program effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Trainee activities such as annual self-evaluations, annual Dissertation Committee meetings, Comprehensive Exams, and Dissertation Defenses are evaluated and documented for these purposes.

Use the following links to access the assessment rubric for:

Annual Trainee Self-Evaluation

Annual Advisor Evaluation of Trainee

Student Seminars

Student Milestone Assessment (Committee meetings, comprehensive exams, and dissertation defenses)