
CMM Internship Program with Amrita University Microcampus Students Featured on UAHS News

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Do vaccines work against omicron? Lab studies are coming, but won't tell whole story.

Lab findings will be among the first tangible results on the omicron variant, but they'll just be one part of the puzzle.

Improving Health and Wellness Begins with Basic Science

A key contingent at the University of Arizona Health Sciences, basic scientists are undaunted by setbacks, a critical trait for making discoveries.

Researchers Find Surprising Benefit to the Immune System Following Infection

New research uncovered a way by which infections boost the production and function of naïve T cells, the body’s first line of defense against disease.

UArizona Health Sciences Researchers to Study Long COVID as Part of National Collaborative

The NIH RECOVER Initiative aims to identify risks contributing to post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and approaches for treatment and prevention.

Dr. Valerie Schaibley Accepted to COM-T Academy of Medical Education Scholars (AMES)

Congratulations to Dr. Valerie Schaibley for being recognized as a new AMES member! The mission of the Academy of Medical Education Scholars (AMES) at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson is to create and sustain a diverse community of scholars dedicated to excellence and innovation in medical education. AMES recognizes and supports the most accomplished teachers and educators at UACOM-T and, in return, draw on those faculty members for advice and service to the College’s education programs.

Drs. Cindy Miranti and Yitshak Zohar are Co-Investigators on $2.9M NCI Grant

Drs. Cindy Miranti (CMM) and Yitshak Zohar (AME/Engineering) are co-investigators on a grant awarded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to study the mechanisms that underly prostate cancer development. As part of this collaboration, they developed the first human Prostate-on-Chip model by culturing basal epithelial cells next to prostate stromal cells within a microfluidic device which recapitulates human prostate biology, for basic and translational cancer research.

Sarver Heart Center Researchers Study Blood Pressure Medication’s Impact on COVID-19 Infection

A research team led by Jessika Iwanski, MD/Ph.D. candidate in the Graduate Program in Molecular Medicine (GPMM) and including CMM faculty members Dr. Carol Gregorio and Dr. Jared Churko, studied the effects of blood pressure medication on patients’ susceptibility to COVID-19 infection.

UArizona Health Sciences Immunologist Named Gerontologist of the Year

The Arizona Geriatrics Society honored Janko Nikolich-Žugich, MD, PhD, as the 2021 Gerontologist of the Year at its Annual Fall Symposium.

Founders Day Lecture

The 43rd annual Founders Day Lecture will honor Janko Nikolich-Žugich, MD, PhD. Presenting "Dotting the I's (Immunity) & Crossing the T's (Cells)" lecture to start at 5:15pm on Wednseday, November 17th. The Founders Day lectureship was established in 1979 to commemorate the founding of the College and to recognize and honor UArizona College of Medicine - Tucson faculty for their scientific accomplishments. Each year, faculty members select one of their peers who embodies the spirit of discovery, whose research is impactful in its contribution to the advancement of science, and who can inspire others through presentation of their work.

Drs. Donata Vercelli and Julie Ledford Co-Investigators on $1.4M NIAID Grant

Drs. Donata Vercelli and Julie Ledford are co-investigators on a grant awarded to Dr. Monica Kraft, Chair of the UArizona Department of Medicine. The grant was received from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to study innate immunity and viral infection in asthma.

Dr. Michael Johnson honored with William A. Hinton Award

The American Society of Microbiologists (ASM) has honored Michael D.L. Johnson, PhD, with its William A. Hinton Award for Advancement of a Diverse Community of Microbiologists for his creation of the National Summer Undergraduate Research Project (NSURP). “I’m very honored,” Dr. Johnson said. “Doing the summer program was definitely not one of those things you do to get an award. It’s more something you do to help the community at large. But it’s a nice recognition that this program is beneficial to the scientific community.” The program started in June 2020 as a way to create a “virtual matchmaking program” to pair underrepresented minority students with microbiology labs to promote research experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. It gained momentum quickly and grew to more than 250 students and 170 volunteer mentors worldwide for that first eight-week summer session. According to a paper in Nature Microbiology, 54% were first-generation college students and about 53% were Black, 44% were Latinx and 3% were Native American. “A lot of people were missing out on in-person summer research. People were canceling them because of the pandemic. This was affecting underrepresented minorities the most,” Dr. Johnson said. “So, what I did was start a virtual summer research program.”

Dr. David Harris Honored for Role in COVID-19 Response

David Harris, PhD, MS, University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson professor of immunobiology and director of the UArizona Health Sciences Biorepository, has received a 2021 Leader of the Year award in the COVID-19 Response & Management category from the Arizona Capitol Times.

Warfel Lab Identifies Mechanism for Slowing Cancer Growth

Dr. Noel Warfel's lab has discovered a mechanism to control blood vessel growth in cancerous tumors. Dr. Warfel was recently featured on the local news. Click for more.

Congratulations 2021-2022 IIDA T32 Awardees

The Immunobiology department is delighted to recognize and congratulate the 2021-2022 Infection and Inflammation as Drivers of Aging (IIDA) Training Grant Awardees.
