People and Programs On The Move At the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center (AHSC)

People and Programs On The Move
At the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center (AHSC)

Dec. 6, 2001
From: George Humphrey, (520) 626-7301

Arizona Telemedicine Program Receives Honor

Dec. 6, 2001 From: George Humphrey, (520) 626-7301 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Arizona Telemedicine Program at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center recently received a national award for providing cost-effective continuing medical education throughout the state.
ATP won a first place award at the 20th Annual TeleCon Awards for "Best Return on Investment in e-Learning." The award recognizes ATP's extensive continuing medical education program, offered to health professionals throughout Arizona via the statewide telemedicine network. Janet Major, from AHSC Biomedical Communications and a member of the Arizona Telemedicine Program, accepted the award on behalf of the program. Biomedical Communications staff members play a key role in the program's CME activities, helping faculty members prepare their presentations for the numerous grand rounds events the program videoconferences. Biomedical Communications also established and maintains the AHSC Streaming Video Server web site.

Established in 1996 by the Arizona Legislature, the Arizona Telemedicine Program is bringing a broad range of medical subspecialty expertise to many rural communities. ATP now has 22 sites throughout the state and conducts more than 6,000 teleconsultations a year. ATP offers continuing medical education to 34 Arizona communities, delivering more than 9,000 hours of CME credit to date.

Dr. Stuart Quan Appointed to Key Positions

The at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center recently received a national award for providing cost-effective continuing medical education throughout the state. ATP won a first place award at the 20th Annual TeleCon Awards for "Best Return on Investment in e-Learning." The award recognizes ATP's extensive continuing medical education program, offered to health professionals throughout Arizona via the statewide telemedicine network. from AHSC Biomedical Communications and a member of the Arizona Telemedicine Program, accepted the award on behalf of the program. Biomedical Communications staff members play a key role in the program's CME activities, helping faculty members prepare their presentations for the numerous grand rounds events the program videoconferences. Biomedical Communications also established and maintains the AHSC Streaming Video Server web site. Established in 1996 by the Arizona Legislature, the Arizona Telemedicine Program is bringing a broad range of medical subspecialty expertise to many rural communities. ATP now has 22 sites throughout the state and conducts more than 6,000 teleconsultations a year. ATP offers continuing medical education to 34 Arizona communities, delivering more than 9,000 hours of CME credit to date.

Stuart F. Quan, MD, associate director of the Arizona Respiratory Center and director of the University Medical Center Sleep Disorders Center, recently received several prestigious appointments:
* Dr. Quan was named to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Sleep Disorders Research Advisory Board. Board members provide scientific direction and guidance to the director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research; they also help shape sleep research initiatives generated by the NIH.

* Dr. Quan also was named associate editor of Sleep, the premier subspecialty journal in the field. As an associate editor, Dr. Quan will review submitted manuscripts and help make publication decisions for the journal.

He also was appointed the editorial board of the journal Behavioral Sleep Medicine. Dr. Quan will review manuscripts for publication and provide editorial advice.

UA Nursing Faculty Member Named Heart Association Fellow

Shu-Fen Wung, PhD, associate professor at the University of Arizona College of Nursing, was inducted as a fellow of the American Heart Association and the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing. The honor was bestowed at the recent American Heart Association scientific meeting. The fellowship is awarded to individuals who demonstrate meritorious contributions through practice, research and/or education that are recognized at a national level. In addition, as the chair of the Alpha Lambda Chapter research committee, Dr. Wung represented the chapter in accepting a research advancement award at the recent Sigma Theta Tau International biennial conference. This international award recognizes chapters that foster the goals of Sigma Theta Tau International through scientific research-related activities.

UA Graduate Student in Microbiology and Immunology Honored Nationally

The American Society for Microbiology has selected Esteban Roberts, a doctoral student at the University of Arizona Department of Microbiology and Immunology, as a 2001-2004 recipient of the Robert D. Watkins Minority Graduate Research Fellowship. Roberts will be awarded a $15,000 annual stipend for three years to conduct research. The Watkins fellowship seeks to increase the number of underrepresented minorities earning PhD degrees in the microbiological sciences.

Sarver Heart Center Video Wins Award

Pila Martinez,
public affairs and health education coordinator for the UA Sarver Heart Center, won an award for a video produced for the October 2000 dedication of the Heart Center building. The "Excellence in Public Relations" award was presented by the Public Relations Society of America-Southern Arizona Chapter at its annual PRimus Awards. Martinez collaborated with Angelica Gomez of AHSC Biomedical Communications on the project.

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