The University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson recently honored its outstanding educators at the 36th annual Faculty Teaching Awards and the Vernon and Virginia Furrow Awards ceremony.
These awards recognize outstanding achievement and excellence in teaching in its many forms. These teachers demonstrate dedication to the education of medical students and teach in a manner that creates an encouraging and intellectually stimulating environment that promotes critical thinking and learning.
The Furrow Awards were established by Virginia Mann Sugg Furrow, MD, who in 1942 was one of only two women in Baylor College of Medicine’s graduating class. The Furrow Awards are the College’s primary system for peer recognition of excellence in education and are presented by the College’s Academy of Medical Education Scholars (AMES).
This year’s Vernon and Virginia Furrow Teaching Awards recipients were:
• Deborah Fuchs, MD, UA Department of Pathology, for Excellence in Basic Science Teaching for Medical Students
• Lonnie Lybarger, PhD, UA Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, for Excellence in Graduate Student Education
• Julie Demetree, MD, UA Department of Psychiatry, for Excellence in Graduate Medical Education
As part of its commitment to excellence and innovation in medical education, AMES funds grants to support education-related research at the UA College of Medicine – Tucson. Eligibility includes College faculty members, fellows, residents and medical students who are sponsored by a faculty member. The following received AMES Grants for Medical Education Research:
• Deborah Fuchs, MD; Paul St. John, PhD; Robert Segal, MD; David Elliot, PhD; Robert Herschoff, BA, MS; and Helen Amerongen, PhD, for their research “Improving Laboratory Teaching of Histology and Histopathology in the Pre-Clinical Medical Curriculum.”
• Guadalupe Martinez, PhD, for her research “Examination of Graduate Medical Education at the University of Arizona: Stakeholders Perspective on the Value of GME, and Program and Learning Quality Metrics.”
• Tejal Parikh, MD; Srikar Adhikaru, MD; Maria Czuzak, PhD; Bryna Koch, MPH; Michael Gura, MPH; Susan Ellis, EdS; Paul Gordon, MD, MPH; Bill Rappaport, MD; Liz Leko, MPA; and Corinna Wildner, MA, for their research “Novel Use of Ultrasound to Aid in Medical Student Reproductive Physical Examination Skills and Pelvic Anatomy.”
• Rebecca Viscusi, MD, and Bill Rappaport, MD, for their research “Incorporating Technology into Today’s Surgery Clerkship.”
• Colleen Cagno, MD; Karyn Kolman, MD; Jessie Pettit, MD; and Autumn Stevenson, MD, for their research “Basic Life Support in Obstetric Care.”
• Michael Seckeler, MD, MSc, for his research “Use of 3-D Models of Congenital Heart Defects to Improve Pediatric Cardiology Education.”
The Lifetime Teaching Award is given to faculty members who have received the Educator of the Year award three times. These honorees epitomize the tradition of excellence fostered at the UA College of Medicine – Tucson. Their contributions to medical education are numerous and enduring, and their commitment to standards of excellence have been critical to producing outstanding medical school graduates. Helen Amerongen, PhD, of the UA Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, received the 2015 Lifetime Teaching Award.
The Outstanding Teacher in a Block for Years I and II award inspires and fosters continued excellence in classroom teaching and honors those who have contributed greatly to the education of aspiring medical students. This year’s recipients were:
• Year I: Amy Sussman, MD, UA Department of Medicine, for the Cardiology, Pulmonary and Renal Systems Block
• Year II: John Bloom, MD, UA Departments of Pharmacology and Medicine, for Case Based Instruction
The Dean’s List for Excellence in Teaching for Years I and II award honors excellence, innovation, service, professionalism, commitment and enthusiasm. It acknowledges the integral role that teachers play fostering the ideals of learning, inquiry and the primacy of education as a foundation for intellectual, social and economic well-being. Recipients of the Dean’s List for Excellence in Teaching Years I and II award were:• Year I
o John Bloom, MD, UA Departments of Pharmacology and Medicine, for the Cardiology, Pulmonary and Renal Systems Block
o G. Alex Hishaw, MD, UA Departments of Neurology and Psychiatry, for the Nervous System Block
o Brandon Larsen, MD, PhD, UA Department of Pathology, for the Cardiology, Pulmonary and Renal Systems Block
• Year II
o Marlon Guerrero, MD, UA Department of Surgery, for the Advanced Topics and DMH (Digestion, Metabolism and Hormones) Blocks
o Amy Waer, MD, UA Department of Surgery, for the Advanced Topics Block
Recipients of the Dean’s List for Excellence in Teaching Years III and IV award were:
• John Bloom, MD, UA Departments of Pharmacology and Medicine
• Kareem Shehab, MD, UA Department of Pediatrics
• Tirdad Zangeneh, DO, UA Department of Medicine
Outstanding Achievement in Teaching by a Block awards were presented to:
• Year I: The Nervous System Block, Todd Vanderah, PhD, UA Department of Pharmacology, block director
• Year II: The Life Cycle Block, Tejal Parikh, MD, UA Department of Family and Community Medicine, block director
The Outstanding Use of Educational Technology Award was presented to Diana Darnell, PhD, UA Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine.
The Educator of the Year Award recognizes faculty who consistently provide outstanding clinical education in the third- and fourth-year setting for medical students. This year’s recipient is Eric Taylor, MD, UA Department of Psychiatry.
The UA Department of Pediatrics received the Outstanding Achievement in Teaching by a Clerkship or Elective in the Clinical Sciences award.
The House Officer awards recognize members of the house staff (resident physicians) for exemplary service to patients and families, professional performance and compassionate patient care.
• The House Officer Educator of the Year award was presented to Bernardino Rocha, MD, UA Department of Surgery, Division of General Surgery.
• Recipients of the Dean’s List for Excellence in Teaching by a House Officer were:
o Tammer El Aini, MD, UA Department of Medicine
o Myles Stone, MD, UA Department of Family and Community Medicine
o Brandon Yates, MD, UA Department of Psychiatry
The Community Faculty Clerkship Teaching Award is given to a community faculty preceptor who has demonstrated excellence in teaching third-year medical students during their clerkship. This year’s recipient was Katie Artz, MD, of Southwestern Surgery Associates, who is a non-salaried community faculty member of the UA Department of Surgery.
The Rural Preceptor Teaching Award is given to volunteer physician preceptors who provide exceptional educational experiences for medical students that only can be gained in a clinical setting. The medical student body nominates and selects these award recipients. This year’s honorees were Trung Pham, MD, who practices in Tuba City, and Matthew Hinton, MD, who practices in Prescott.
The Commitment to Underserved People (CUP) Faculty Service Award celebrates volunteer physicians who help with the CUP Program. This year’s recipient was Larry Moher, MD, UA Department of Family and Community Medicine.
The Administrative Support and Clinical Support Staff Award recognizes the efforts and contributions of employees whose work has supported the accomplishment and spirit of the UA College of Medicine – Tucson’s vision. This award is given to staff members who have demonstrated initiative, innovation, leadership and continuous effort. This year’s support staff award winners were:
• Year I: Sonya Martyna-Seaman, Office of Medical Student Education
• Year II: Hildi Williams, Office of Medical Student Education
• Year III: Grace Thompson, UA Department of Surgery
• Clinical Support: Peggy Nolty, UA Department of Neurology
About the UA College of Medicine – Tucson
The University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson is advancing health and wellness through state-of-the-art medical education programs, groundbreaking research, and advancements in patient care in Arizona and across the United States. Founded in 1967, the College ranks among the top medical schools in the nation for research and primary care and is leading the way in academic medicine through its partnership with Banner – University Medicine, a new division of one of the largest nonprofit health-care systems in the country. For more information, please visit