
Congratulations to CMM students named UA ARCS Foundation Scholars for 2018-2019 (February 23, 2018)

Cellular & Molecular Medicine PhD students John Ryniawec and Kelvin Pond have been selected as UA ARCS Foundation scholars for 2018-2019! This award consists of a $10,5000 cash scholarship, a $500 travel grant and full base tuition. Congratulations, John and Kelvin!

UA Study: Brain Liquefaction After Stroke is Toxic to Surviving Brain

Researchers at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson suggest liquefied brain fluid may be one cause of dementia after stroke.

UA Part of $8.9M Collaborative Grant to Understand How Dangerous Virus `Hides’ to Attack Another Day

Dr. Felicia Goodrum and several of the nation’s most prominent human cytomegalovirus researchers have been awarded a five-year, $8.9 million collaborative grant to investigate how the virus lies dormant until it activates and poses life-threatening disease risk.
